Jahad Muhaddath



About The Book

About The Book An Urgent Word From Allah (GOD): Revealing of the New World Order

Dive into the secrets of a world on the brink of transformation in “An Urgent Word from Allah (God): Revealing of the New World Order.”

In these pages, Jahad Muhaddath draws from the rich well of Islamic teachings and prophecies to emphasize the arrival of a new era, a moment of reckoning when the old order of things will be swept aside. As we stand at the precipice of a new world, this text explores the concept of FARD, the anticipation of a Millennium, and the promised deliverance of the so-called Negroes.

Prepare to be awakened as you’re urged to delve into scripture, recognize your designated Messenger, and prepare for the transformative changes. We are living in the closing chapter of this world, the dawn of a new order, and this book serves as the key to understanding the divine path that will guide us in this remarkable journey.

As we witness the unfolding of this momentous shift, a new book for our guidance is on the horizon, ushering in an era of spiritual awakening unlike anything the world has seen before.